3 ways you can help your kids through divorce

Figuring out a divorce is never simple, especially for children. Your kids will be particularly affected by your marriage breaking down. They will feel a lot of stress, confusion, sadness and anger throughout the process. While you certainly have your own emotions to deal with, you can also help your kids cope with divorce.

You can avoid certain actions that would worsen the experience for your children and practice other behaviors to comfort them. Not only will this help your children healthily process the divorce, it can also help you prove yourself as a responsible parent worthy of visitation or custody. Here are the best tips for helping your kids through this difficult time.

1. Avoid demeaning the other parent

According to WebMD, one way to help your kids is avoiding making negative comments about the other parent in front of them. This one can be hard, especially if you are full of anger towards your former partner. But if your kids hear you make disparaging comments, they may start to develop unhealthy resentment for their other parent. This is not good for your children, so do your best to keep your anger and frustrations to conversations you have with fellow adults.

2. Maintain a routine

If your children will be going between two homes, try your best to establish and keep routines. Your kids may worry about when they will be picked up from school or when dinner will be served. Try to keep family routines somewhat consistent.

3. Listen to and support them

Encourage your kids to discuss their emotions, especially when they are feeling scared, distraught or mad. Your job as a parent is to support your kids through hard times and encourage openness. If you notice that they are having trouble talking about their feelings, try to give them age-appropriate activities or books to help them process the divorce.