Navigating social media during divorce

You may not think twice before sharing your life with the world on a normal day, but doing so can have serious ramifications if you are also going through a divorce. You have to consider how your use of social media may impact your proceedings.

So, before you click “send”, “message” or “post”, question whether it could potentially come back to haunt you and consider the following.

Privacy does not always apply

You may think that because you have your settings on “private” or a certain person blocked from visiting your profile that you do not have to worry about your posts falling into the wrong hands. You would be remiss to do so.

A mutual friend may grant your soon-to-be-ex access to your profile, and virtually anyone can take a simple screenshot of your page and then share it elsewhere.

Your posts can have child custody-related ramifications

If you have, say, a fun night out at a local bar with friends, you may want to post pictures of the good time you had. Keep in mind, though, that your partner and his or her attorney may use the same imagery to paint you as an unfit parent in front of the court.

Other types of photos and posts may also come back to haunt you or factor into any alimony or child support orders a judge may issue.

Your dating profile may become public

If you are going through a divorce, it isn’t a bad idea to hold off on finding a prospective new partner until it is over or at least keep it offline. Avoid making any type of dating profile, particularly if infidelity is an issue, as this could be used to assault your character or allege cheating.

The best way to avoid social media-related trouble amid divorce is to simply avoid using it. For more about how to navigate your way through a divorce or separation, consider getting in contact with a lawyer.