Keeping children out of the conversation through mediation

When Florida parents have trouble communicating and getting on the same page, that contention can bleed into the rest of the family. This often happens during a divorce, and the children could get an earful. Using something like mediation could make keeping children out of the conversation easier since the parents are encouraged to calm down and work together for their benefit.

Florida parents can benefit from mediating their custody issues as well. When parents rely on the courts to decide their fate, it often causes more emotional distress than necessary. Maintaining control over those decisions through mediation can calm nerves and lead to a more satisfying result since any agreement can be tailored to the family’s unique needs.

Each party is encouraged to participate fully in the process. Every opinion and option can be considered and explored. Often, each parent simply wants the chance to be heard, and mediation provides a way to do that. From there, they can come up with ideas to continue raising their children together despite the fact that their relationship has ended. This also helps parents follow through with the terms of the final agreement since they each had a hand in creating it.

It would be remiss not to mention that mediation often costs less than going to court as well. For parents whose main goal is keeping children out of the conversation, mediation can be invaluable. Those same parents are often drawn to the fact that they can be the architect of the family’s future by retaining control over the decisions that are made.

Source:, “Benefits of Mediation in Child Custody Cases“, Jennifer Wolf, Oct. 8, 2017