Is a collaborative divorce right for you?

If you are a Florida resident contemplating divorce, both you and your spouse, despite your irreconcilable differences, probably hate the thought of a protracted, acrimonious court battle. What you may not realize is that more amicable options exist. One of them is collaborative divorce, and it may be the approach that best fits you and your spouse and your specific situation.

Should you and your spouse negotiate on your own?

During a divorce, many soon-to-be ex-spouses try to save money and time by negotiating with each other. In a few cases, it works. Many times, though, this move turns into a giant headache and worsens the situation. For one thing, you could make an offer that is not exactly legal or give up much more than you think you have to.

Bitcoin is an important part of estate plan for many

Many in Florida and around the world are discovering the convenience and flexibility of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and other virtual wallets allow people to control their financial transactions without going through a bank. However, since no bank manages the accounts, those who invest in cryptocurrency must keep track of their own holdings.

Why is it a mistake to post on Facebook during your divorce?

First things first: Yes, some people are able to use social media just fine during their divorce without experiencing repercussions. However, it is a good idea to, at the very least, avoid Facebook use and other social media use. To cover your bases altogether, the recommendation is to suspend your posting until the divorce is over.

For business owner, estate plan is crucial

The steps one takes to prepare a business for the future are similar to the steps one takes to prepare one's family for the future. Leaving these to chance means placing family or business at risk of meeting difficult times and perhaps serious financial struggles. For a business, it may even mean its demise if its owner does not take the time to make an estate plan.